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Join us in providing Clean drinking water in Africa


BECOMING LOVE is not just the name of our ministry, but it has become a LIFESTYLE that influences us daily.

Come meet our ministry team and learn about their calling and commitment to this Cause.


From city to city, the message is still the same: We are called to awaken the church of Jesus Christ to the power, purity, and freedom of the Spirit-Filled life, found, realized, experienced and exhibited in the lives of believers in the Book of Acts!


We have four full-time ministry teams who travel the world annually.

Click the button below to see when we're going to be near you -- We hope to see you soon.



What's in a Name?

Here are the keys that #becomingLOVE Ministries Association has embraced as we have prayed and strategized over this change:


First, we want our name to support the position and reflect the essence of this ministry. Jesus is the perfect example of #becomingLOVE. No greater love has ever been expressed: He laid down His life that we might have life and life eternal.


Second, we want to be relevant. There is no greater need in our world today than to demonstrate what it looks like to live out #becomingLOVE as expressed in I Corinthians 13. This is the message that we as believers must demonstrate in our everyday lives and this would be impossible without being filled with and led by Holy Spirit. 


Thirdly, we want our name to be distinctive. We think we have hit the mark, the distinctive characteristic of love as modeled by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am overwhelmed by the thought that He emptied himself and became obedient unto death so that we might have relationship with Abba Father. This is at the core of #becomingLOVE Ministries.


Lastly, we want it to be sustainable. As we continue to grow and expand our global focus, we understand that we must position ourselves to sustain a name that is multi-generational and lives beyond our founder and ministry team.

We believe it encompasses our mission: A calling to awaken the church of Jesus Christ to the power, purity, and freedom of the Spirit-Filled life, found, realized, experienced and exhibited in the lives of believers in the Book of Acts.


We believe this is carefully accomplished in #becomingLOVE Ministries Association. 

Our mission

A calling to awaken the church of Jesus Christ  to the power, purity, and freedom of the Spirit-Filled life, found, realized, experienced and exhibited in the lives of believers in the Book of Acts!

Our latest projects

kenya and Tanzania water mission
Clean water in Africa
Clean drinking water in Pakistan
Discipleship mission
Rehabilitation of broken boreholes
Free a slave in Pakistan



7905 NW 48th, Bethany, OK 73008

Telephone: (405) 615-4165

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Becoming Love Ministries • 7905 NW 48th Street • Bethany, OK  73008

Contact: Jim Williams, Executive Director  (405) 615-4165

© 2020-2025 Becoming Love Ministries

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