Discipled by Jesus has been our main goal globally and especially in Africa. Since 2022, Pastor Jim Williams has been travelling to East Africa; Kenya and Tanzania, where he has been holding youth conferences and training on discipled by Jesus, twice a year.
The efforts have bore many fruits with many youths learning and becoming disciples, who in turn go and make other disciples makers. Below are pictures of new disciple maker "graduates" from the DBJ training conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
In Tanzania however, the approach has been different where a large part of the communities and villages lack access to education, with the help of local missionaries, #becominglove has been able to access them and as they listen to their needs, which is many need for clean and safe drinking water, discipleship message is always part of the meetings.
As a way to cater for their need (Clean and safe drinking water), #becominglove has been involved in digging water wells and as a result, have been able to reach many communities and teach discipleship. Many who have been thirsty of the message, turned receptive, started house churches and gave their lives to Jesus.
These are photos that were sent back from Jim Williams' most recent trip to Tanzania for the #BecomingLove Ministries.